

As at 1st January 2001, four technicians started their occupation for SITT Development OG 

with the goal of developing automation technology for wine cellars.

28th September 2001: Patent granted for CO2 - Emission sensor.


Fall 2001: Equipping of three wine cellars (Agricultural Research Center Steiermark - Haidegg, Winery Potzinger – Gabersdorf, Winery Gross –

Ratsch) with the winery system VinInfo

Thus for the first time in winery is a regulation being used on the basis of a BUS system.



From the 4th to the 7th of May 2002, the newly developed wine cellar system VinInfo was introduced for the first time at the fair Oenotec with resounding success.

The trade journal „Der Winzer" appears in a new outfit, the VinInfo - fermentation regulation system was presented on the front cover.


November 2003: moved into the new company building in Lebring.

the first system outside the borders of Austria.

The range of functions of the platform VinInfo was extended  for oxygen dosage and pulse air For the winery Leo Hillinger.



Start of the distribution partnership with Raiffeisen Ware Austria AG.

The autonomous oxygen manager "OxyBoy" was born.



VinInfo has established itself to become the market-leading fermentation system in Austria.



Open communication with the end customers lead to continuous expansion of the functionality of VinInfo. With our customers for our customers! 

First system in Australien.



Export has increased by over 50%.



Conversion of the company into a corporation with limited liability – SITT GmbH.

Start of the distribution partnership with the company Wine Technology GmbH – Kreyer in selected countries.



With an installation in India, the products of SITT GmbH are in use on all continents.



"Speidel Dynamics", a development from SITT in co-orperation with the company Speidel tank- and container construction, was presented with the innovation award at the Intervitis Interfructa in Stuttgart.



SITT Development celebrated 10 years anniversary, the coming years will be characterized mainly by innovation and international orientation.

Adaptation of other storage spaces due to an acute shortage of space.

Renowned Bordeaux - winery obtained 100 Parker points for the year 2009, managed and controlled with "VinInfo".



SITT GmbH proves again it's innovation competence and starts a successfull market launch of the Yeast Butler - the reliable assistant for optimal activation, vitalization and propagation of yeast.



The Yeast Butler, submitted by the distribution partner Wine Technology GmbH, was presented with the innovation award at the Intervitis Interfructa in Stuttgart.



March 2015: moved into a 400 m² company building in Lebring, Parkring 6.



Since June 2016, our new models of the VisiTemp 2.0 product line are available on the market!