yeastbutler en1

The YeastButler is a compact, mobile  and reliable assistant for the optimal activation, vitalization and multiplication of yeast.


  • The YeastButler is dimensioned for up to 2kg of yeast. Through the size of the container (110 l) there is sufficient room in the case of foaming.
  • There is only one hose connection available which is used for filling and pumping-out the cider, yeast and water. It is also used for flushing and cleaning of the container.
  • The heating unit is operated electronically, that means there's no additional heating source necessary.
  • The oxygen dosage occurs during over-pumping and leads to an optimal enrichment of the medium.
  • Through the use of the container lid and air filter, wild yeasts that are present in the cellar air are being effectively kept away from the yeast starter.
  • Complete version in stainless steel facilitates clean and sanitary work.
  • Construction on steering rollers stands for flexible operation and mobility.

Programme steps

  • Fill: The YeastButler fills automatically with the pre-setted amount of water.
  • Heating: The YeastButler heats the content to the set start-temperature. When this has been reached it gives a siganl via display and light, acoustic is also optional.
  • Ferm: After the yeast has being stired in, the emulsion in the reproductive phase is being moved very gently. During Over-pumping, the mixture is being enriched with oxygen and is also being cooled to the target temperature. At cyclical intervals the yeast is being additionally supplied with fresh Must from the target tank.
  • Empty: In this step the vitalized and activated yeast will be pumped in the target tank. The amount that was already pumped out will be shown on the display.
  • Clean: In the cleaning cycle, water will be pumped from another container through the YeastButler in several steps. All parts (Ventile, Pump, Hoses etc.), that come in contact with the yeast will be cleaned. At the end of the cleaning cycle the water will be automatically pumped out, the YeastButler then goes into Standby-Modus.


Gentle Temperature Management

Targeted nutrient management (feeding of the yeast) and effective oxygen enrichment (respiration of the yeast) are the tasks of the YeastButler.

  • Optimal fitness and Temperature of the yeast at the beginning of fermentation
  • Instantaneous fermentation start  after inoculation of the tank
  • Relief of work and time saving through full automatic operation
  • Economy through saving of yeast
  • Improved thorough fermentation, minimized risks of stuck fermentation
  • Reproducibility through program control
  • Clear intuitive operation using menu navigation


  • YeastButler PRO (fully equipped)
  • YeastButler MED (Cabinet is the same as PRO, however without Temperature- and Nutrient management)
  • YeastButler ECO (Compact variant (see fig.), also suitable for gentle dosing of fining products etc. (6 l/min))
  • YeastButler MAX (Tank size 500l, for up to 10kg yeast)


  • Folder YeastButler
  • Product catalog


Look at the 3D photograph of the yeast butler